In the Province of Teruel, there is already a great involvement with the filming industry. We are promoting awareness and mapping of locations in all areas of the province.
The first film office, 'Film Lonely Lands' from the counties of Jiloca and Campo de Daroca, was the forerunner of a great project that encompasses the entire province of Teruel and that is managing to turn it into a national benchmark for productions of all kinds.
The east of the province is a mountainous area with a Mediterranean appearance, it welcomes impressive areas of exuberant nature crossed by crystalline rivers that flows between rocks.
It also has very exclusive accommodation / location and Renaissance-style urban complexes with a high conservation.

The east of the province is a mountainous area with a Mediterranean appearance, it welcomes impressive areas of exuberant nature crossed by crystalline rivers that flows between rocks.
It also has very exclusive accommodation / location and Renaissance-style urban complexes with a high conservation.
The east of the province is a mountainous area with a Mediterranean appearance, it welcomes impressive areas of exuberant nature crossed by crystalline rivers that flows between rocks.
It also has very exclusive accommodation / location and Renaissance-style urban complexes with a high conservation.

The east of the province is a mountainous area with a Mediterranean appearance, it welcomes impressive areas of exuberant nature crossed by crystalline rivers that flows between rocks.
It also has very exclusive accommodation / location and Renaissance-style urban complexes with a high conservation.