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The Teruel Provincial Council is preparing a program of aid and subsidies for the audiovisual sector.
More information coming soon.
We currently have a cultural sponsorship program that also affects this sector.
Contact us for more information.

The total amount of this aid provided by Aragon tv is 400,000 euros. It is divided into two sections, on the one hand it is endowed with three hundred and sixty thousand euros for feature films, television films (TV Movies) and creative documentaries.
And on the other hand, forty thousand euros are endowed with short film films.
To access this help you must meet a series of requirements and fill in the relevant documents.
To access advance financing click here .
For more information about the help click here .
The Government of Aragon offers grants for feature films and medium-length films that can be fiction, documentary or animation.
The total amount of the aid is 540,000 euros, which is divided into two sections:
Mod. A: 100,000 euros are provided for the project development phase.
Mod. B: It is endowed with 440,000 euros for the production and post-production phase.
The maximum amount to be received for each project is 10,000 euros in mod. A (project development) and 100,000 euros in mod. B (Production / Postproduction).
To access this help you must meet a series of requirements and fill in the relevant documents.
To access the processing order click here .
For more information about the help click here .

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